Tuesday, 11 February 2014

MindBits #3

Many people fear Death. They are afraid of the end, the dimming of lights, the fall of curtain or the wilting of leaves. They are afraid that everything they have known, represented, fought for and gathered over the years shall fade away into nothing. They would become The One Who Lived and Was Forgotten With Time. That may be scary to some but to me it gives hope.

I think Death comforts me, reassures me and makes me move on, no matter what. Isn't that what hope does exactly? I look at all my troubles, my struggles and my desperation and it makes me glad to know that they had all pass eventually and what shall take place shall either be bliss ( a long shot, that one!) or Death, ah! that sweet end. The day the contract of my body, soul and mind expires and they each go their own way. Body shall decompose and lend life to somebody else, soul shall find another to hinder and torture and my mind, of course would teach, enlighten or make a complete fool of someone else!

It gives me immense pleasure to know that this shall end and something, anything  shall take it's place. Anything has to be better than nothing, the way i feel right now. So yes, Death comforts me, reassures me and makes me move on because I know that however hard I may screw up, I have a way out.


"When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside." ~Rumi

Because there are bigger truths to face and scarier demons to fight. Because there are times to hold on and time to let go.

By: Akhilesh Agarwal

The life ran over your mangled body
I saw that the sky was yellow bright
You breathed in the concrete and sweat
I hate summers now

You shone like my backyard bulb
Bright, time-light
You laughed like the ocean
Vast, free

You left without a trace
A pathetic eulogy was sung
Sung on that spit summer day
I hate summers now